Sunday, February 26, 2017

Java Implementation ! Challenge 2 : Simple Substraction Quiz

What's up guys welcome back to my tutorial blog. Hope you guys enjoy learn programming from my blog these entire time. By the way in this new series from my blog I'm gonna show you guys the implemantation of Java programming languange. This time, I'm gonna show you guys how to make a simple substraction quiz program.

So this program you're about to learn is gonna ask the user to start the quiz. Then showing the simple math quiz of substraction.In this simple quiz, the user is gonna answer 5 questions. Also, this program is gonna show the user the total correct and incorrect answer that they made with the time they take to answer all the questions.

Please notice that in this Tutorial Series, I'm gonna use Notepad++ instead of eclipse, I also suggest you guys to do the same thing. Because whenever you guys are using an IDE like eclipse, you will find your error syntax faster than it should. While learning programming, the more time you spend on it, the more you will get used to it. I want you guys to spend more time in coding, because that's what great programmers did. As usual, I'm gonna show you guys the program first, I want you guys to read it carefully, then I'm gonna explain each part of the codes. Here we go.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Java Implementation ! Challenge 1 : Showing Current Time

What's up guys welcome back to my tutorial blog. Hope you guys enjoy learn programming from my blog these entire time.By the way in this new series from my blog I'm gonna show you guys the implemantation of Java programming languange. The reason why I make this Challenge Series is because I want you guys to know what you guys are learning about. No one feel comfortable while learning something that they don't know what is it for.

In this first Java Challenge series, I'm gonna show you guys how to show the current time in Greenwich Mean Time format (00:00;00). For example, the time when I write this post is 17:44:30. Also, in this Tutorial Series, I'm gonna use Notepad++ instead of eclipse, I also suggest you guys to do the same thing. Because whenever you guys are using an IDE like eclipse, you will find your error syntax faster than it should. While learning programming, the more time you spend on it, the more you will get used to it. I want you guys to spend more time in coding, because that's what great programmers did. As usual, I'm gonna show you guys the program first, I want you guys to read it carefully, then I'm gonna explain each part of the codes. Here we go.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 19 : Conditional Operators

     What's up Guys ! Welcome back in my Java tutorial series. First I want to say sorry guys because  I haven't been posting for a long time. Well , I'm kinda busy with college. Ok ! now in this quick tutorial I'm gonna show you guys how to use Conditional Operators. As usual, I want you guys to learn by examples because most people learn about something easier in that way. Enough with the chit chat, go write this codes below :

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 18 : Else If Statement

     What's up Guys ! Welcome back in my Java tutorial series. First, I want you guys to know that this part is not too far away from the previous part . In this part of tutorial I'm gonna show you something else on how to use If statement but It kinda different. It's called else if statement. This kind of trick of how to use if statement will have its own function depend on how you want your program works.But, in my point of view, this one is easier to be learned.

First, as usual guys I want you to type this program below and run it. I'm sure you guys are like kinda understand this easily because if you've understand the previous part . The different is, that in this one we will see less brackets because each condition only have one code to be excecuted.

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 17 : Nested If

What's up Guys ! Welcome back in my Java tutorial series parts season 1. No, I'm just kidding hahaha. So in a couple of tutorials ago, I've thaught you guys about if statement , precisely on Part 9 .
So if you guys still have no idea about what if statement is, go check Part 9 now. I mean like right now.

In this part of tutorial I'm gonna show you guys something called Nested if statements. What is Nested if statements ?  Nested if statements is a bunch of if statements that nesting in one place to determine which code to run based on the match with the value. If you guys are confused, Just look at the picture below.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! Part 16 : Constructors

     What's up guys ! Welcome back to my Java tutorials series. In this tutorial I'm gonna teach you guys about constructors. What a Constructors does is to allow you to initialize a variable as soon as you create a new object (class). Let me guys explain it to you by example. Now I want you guys to type both of the codes below :

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! Part 15 : Using More Methods

What's up guys ! Welcome back to my Java tutorials series. In the couple of my tutorials ago, I've thaught you guys about how to run a method inside the other class from your main class.In this part, I'm gonna teach you guys about how to use a lot of methods. Hmm not really much by the way, but at least it's gonna be more than one method in a class.From now I want you guys to listen up and pay more attentions because this part is not gonna be easy, but I'm not saying this will be hard, because if you read this tutorial carefully and do some repetations, I'm pretty sure you guys gonna learn it well. So as usually, before I explain about it further, I will let you guys take your time typing both of the codes in the pictures below.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! Part 14 : Using method with parameters

What’s up guys ! Welcome back to my tutorials series.In this tutorial I will continue what I have explained in Part 13 about multiple classes. In the tutorial before (Part 13) I’ve explained to you guys about using a method of another class from your main class without any parameters (Empty Parameters). In this tutorial I’m gonna explain to you guys how to use a method from another class with parameters. What I mean by parameters is something you write inside the regular bracket after the method’s name.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 13 : Using Multiple Classes

What's up guys ! Hope you're doing well since you have read these tutorials this far cause I'm sure anyone who made this so far has a strong desire to learn Java. So in this tutorial I'm gonna teach you guys about how to use Multiple Classes. By only look at the title I'm pretty sure that you guys already connected a little bit about what we are gonna learn in this tutorial.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 12 : While Loop

While loop is one of looping function in programming languange. What I mean by looping function is this function will keep run the program inside the brackets until the condition is fully required. The syntax of While loop  is "while ( ) { }". In programming world, there will be a lot of moment where you want to make a program that keep doing the same keyword but using a different value. This Loop function will make your work easier because you don't need to type the same keyword for a thousand times, you only need to put a condition inside the regular brackets about when to stop running the program inside the curly brackets. Now before I explain it to you guys further, I want you guys to take a look at the program below.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 11 : Switch Statement

In this tutorial I'm gonna teach you guys about "Swich" Statement. If you guys wondering what is Switch statement, it is one of keyword that tests a variable depending on the value pretty much which it can give you multiple choices. Instead of using the "if" statement, using the "switch" statement will be a lot of easier when you want to serve a lot of choices depending on the value of a variable. So before I explain about it further, I want to give you guys an example of a program that uses the switch statement below.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 10 : Multiple Conditional

So in the tutorial before ( Part 9 ) , I have thaught you guys how to make an "if" statement with one conditional inside it. In programming world, there will be a moment where you want to make a bunch of keyword's to do (after declarating "if" statement) by giving it more than one condition to be required so that this program can be excecuted. Well, Actually you can use the "if" statement with more than one conditional inside it. I'm going to show you guys how to do it by examples, just like how as I usualy do it. In this case for example, imagine that you are making a simple dating website with the age of gender as the indicator of agreement and disagreement or simply called match or not match.Wanna know more about it ? Go check the codes below :

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 9 : If Conditional

"if" statement  is one of the feature in programming languange where you can have many statements to do according to a condition that you have set before. So this fuction will be useful when you want to make a program which contains more than one choices. Also, this program will always be a partner of "else" statement. "else" statement is a condition when there is none of your "if" condition that match with the condition of the variable.As an example, take a look on the code below.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 8 : Increment Operator

In programming world, there are stuff called increment. This Increment Operators are increasing the value of a variable , that's because you can change the value of a variabel without changing its first value . But, it is not always about increasing the value. Because with these increment operators, you can also decreasing the value of a variable as how you want it. Maybe in this level of tutorial you are not gonna completely understand it but somehow this is going to be useful when you have reached the advanced level of programming.

Let me show to you guys what I mean by "increasing the value of a variable without changing its first value" on the picture below.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 7 : Mathematical Operation

As we know at school that there are 4 basic math operators. They are Addition (+), Substraction (-),Division (/) and Multiplication (*). But in this tutorial I'm gonna teach you guys 5 operators. The fifth one is the Modulus (%).Also I will write the code in new datatype, the new datatype that I mean is Int (Integer). So Let's start.

I have given you guys the example of this math operators in Part 6 . If you guys have seen it. Then there will be not much to explain anymore in this part. Keep scrolling : )

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 6 : Addition between two input variables

In the article before (Part 5) , I've thaught you guys how to input a data into a variable. In this part of tutorial I'm gonna show you guys how to make a relation between two variables that you will input a data in it. Enough with the chit chat, go type this codes below.

This is an example of a simple program of addition. In this program, you will be asked to input 2 numbers, then this program will show you the addition result of those two numbers you have input before.

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 5 : User Input

So when you're making a program.There will be a user who use the program, They are called the user (Human).The user use your program by doing an input of data that your program ask.In this part of tutorial I'm gonna teach you guys how to get user input in Java. Let's get start and pay attention !

First, I want you guys to type this program.Then I want you guys to Run the program.

This program will ask you to input a text in the console box below.
So in this case, I will type "Hey Blogger ! ".

Friday, January 20, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 4 : Variables

So, the way I'm gonna teach you how to do JAVA isn't like a teacher at your school or your lecturer at college.They usually tell you about the theory first then the practice which makes you feel like "Why the hell am I here ?" during their explanation. I want you guys use your analytics sense more often.

The first thing I want you to do guys is to type the code on the picture below to your Eclipse or any Text Editor you have on your computer.

After you guys have finished, Run your program so that you guys can see the result.Now before I start explaining, I want you guys to observe the picture above.If you guys is new to programming world, then there must be a lot of questions in your mind.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 3 : Downloading Eclipse

The JDK contains some separated programs which each program is called from the command line, to develope and testing JAVA. Beside JDK, You can also use some JAVA development's device like Net-Beans,Eclipse and TextPad. But what i'm gonna use in this tutorial is Eclipse.

Eclipse is one of a good app that provides IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to develop JAVA.

Q : Why should I installed Eclipse ?

A : Because if you did something wrong in your program whether it's a typo,missing semicolon or some reckless act.This IDE will show you in which line does your program goes wrong.

I think it's enough with the introduction.

Go download Eclipse here :

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 2 : Let's make your first program with notepad !

First, I'm gonna need you to open your notepad.If you're using windows then you can easily press Win+R then type "notepad", after that we are ready to make the source code.
Next, I want you to type this source code in your notepad :

The first thing you will always need in java programming is a class.You can't do anything in java without any class because in java everything begin with a class.
The word "prog" after class is the name of the class, you can name it as how you want it but it can't be started with number. Examples, naming your class 69lover won't be allowed by java.

How about public ? Hmm actually it is okay if you don't type it, because it is just a simple program.
It means that this class can be used by another class, you guys will learn about it in the next tutorial.
The curly brackets shows the limit range of this class.This brackets also contains methods which is the lists of things to do.
 "public static void main" is a method and the brackets shows the parameters which is "string".
You know what ? Just type the program above and continue to the next step.I'm really sure that you will understand by doing it than reading it.
"System.out.println("Input text here");" is a keywords in java to print out text.
So you can put any characters and numbers in the quotation mark.

After that,save the source code to somewhere up to you as long as it is still on your computer but don't forget to save it into .java format. For example if you name your files "firstprogram" then save it as "" just like the picture below.

Learn Java for Beginner easily ! part 1 : Installing the JDK

The first thing you need to understand about programming languanges is what you write while coding (Write code) is not what the machine (computer) understand. For example, you can't talk to a french guy who don't speak english in english.You will need a translator so that this french guy can understand you

The same things goes for programming languange, if  you write a keyword in java's language that tells the computer to write a text, the computer won't be able to do that except the computer has a translator. This translator is called the Compiler.

Java's compiler is Java Developement Kit (JDK). So if  you want to make java and your computer are understanding each other, go download it here :